


还是那句话:和古利特口中的范巴斯滕一对比,完全就是“男盆友眼中的你VS爹眼中的你”……(话说我觉得马可近年来越长越像米歇尔斯了啊!隔代遗传吗……以及我记得克圣的衣服牌子有推出一款叫做Marco的……) Anyway翻译如下……

136 – Technically, Bergkamp and Van Basten are as gifted. Maybe Bergkamp is even better. But Van Basten won a lot, and Bergkamp didn't. That's mentality. Van Basten put his whole technique, soul and being in the service of the result. If he was in front of the goalie, the ball had to go in. No matter how. Many players prefer to make a pretty goal.

137 – With Van Basten I had a permanent fight. Day in day out. Van Basten was so aggressive finally that even if he didn't play, his presence made the whole team aggresive. Rijkaard has a different character. I tried to do the same with him, but it didn't work. He is different. He is very good when someone else is in charge.

140 – Van Basten has an excellent mentality. The mentality of a crack. He is fierce, ambitious and merciless for himself and his teammates. I was sometimes shocked with how he dared to tell other players the truth. I had to reprimand him for it, even if he was 100% right.

144 – I've always played in the service of the team. Especially when you're the best player, you play in the service of the inferior players. You must direct them, coach them, make sure they function optimally. Marco van Basten right now has trouble with that. He's annoyed by all the inferior players.



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