



我上次挖八卦资源的时候发现Robbie Rogers(就是美国第一位出柜的职业足球运动员,从小就认识克林西并且算是被他栽培过的)出了一本自传,里面提起他出柜的时候和克林西说了,但是克林西没有回音……

因为Robbie今年在LA银河队状态蛮不错的,所以就有呼声说希望他能被再次选入国家队。但是克林西宣布的一月集训名单上没有他的份——不过后来表态说如果不是为了备战奥运带新人,会选Robbie的。但媒体还是抓着“喂Robbie,【自从你出柜之后】克林斯曼理你了吗?”这话题不放,然后前几天Robbie就表态说尤尔根对他很重要,而他希望有一天能和尤尔根谈人生(have a life conversation)

“我自从十二三岁的时候就认识他了。所以我觉得如果他有这个意愿,我和他应该谈一下——谈谈人生。我觉得对我来说,那比进国家队都还要更重要。” (然后回忆了一下他少年时克林西对他的提携,包括和他妈妈谈职业建议啦,开车带他去银河队训练什么的……反正意思就是对他来说尤尔根真的很重要。)






"Oh, definitely. We can have that anytime. No problem at all," Klinsmann said Thursday. "He [sent] me a note, and I absolutely respect that. But I think this is his privacy. I thought there was no need to respond ... I can give him a call, and we can have a nice cup of coffee, no problem at all."


"I've known him since I was 12, 13 years old," Rogers said. “So I think him and I need to have that conversation – a life conversation, if he's interested. I think that's more important to me than playing with the national team.

"My coming out was very personal, and I was in a really dark place in my life where I was really struggling. You know, Jurgen wrote my letter to Leeds [United in 2012], for me to get my work permit. He was one of the guys who spoke to my mom about whether I should go to [US Under-17] residency or not. He used to drive me to Galaxy training when I was younger, so he's great, helped me throughout my career. So I think I need to have that conversation."

Rogers was asked if it was hurtful that Klinsmann didn't respond to his messages.

"No," he replied. "To be honest, I was in a place in my life where so much stuff was going on and had so many people who were so supportive, and it was a whirlwind – coming out, all this crazy media stuff, going back [to the game]. It was absolutely insane. So I had prepared myself for the worst. ... Whether someone didn't get in contact with me or someone had a negative reaction of whatever, I just prepared myself for that kind of stuff and somehow tried to create this hard shell around myself to protect myself. So wasn't surprised. I hope one day to have that conversation with him, but we'll see."

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